It is a good feeling when we smile together with someone. It is even better when those smiles come because we know that the plan for our life together is headed where we want it to.
The road is walked step by step and is made better in the right company. Nídia and Francisco are each other's company, their son is one of the steps that they have already taken together and at the same time is more good company with whom they share smiles.
The photoshoot we did at Nazaré before the wedding is the perfect example of it.
I've known Francisco since 2004 if I'm not mistaken because as many of you know I worked in the Air Force for a few years, and we even worked exactly in the same place, had the same day-to-day routine, for a while. I was obviously very pleased when he and Nídia chose me to record their big day in images.
It was a busy wedding day, in which things happen, such as bouquets being forgotten at home (fortunately home was close by), wedding rings being put on the wrong hand (with corresponding laugh out loud moment), endearing hugs, mini-guests that were very sleepy by lunchtime, traditions from university and the Air Force, a flying bride in the afternoon, a flying groom at night, and a lot, and I mean a lot of partying.
The Love and smiles were plentiful and that is what you can see in the photos. :)
Video - @cabracegaproducoes
Dress - @noivas_d.dinis
Suit - Dino Confecções
Entertainers - @black_tie_events_nazare @besaxtrio
Design - @atelier26design
Make-up - @joanasilvabeauty.wedding
